Monday, August 12, 2013

Ask Uttara: Some Christians feel that astrology is "devil" work . . . but didn't God create the heavens and earth and the universe that astrology is based on?

Some Christians feel that astrology is "devil" work (or whatever else they say)... But didn't God create the heavens and earth and the universe that astrology is based on?

Ahhhh.  Yes.  It is true that some do think it is dark magic.  And yes, God did create the very structures astrology references.  Remember that anything that frightens the mind causes it to shut down.  People often put down or make fun of things they do not understand. 

It reminds me of a person who got quite angry at me for telling them I was a vegetarian; I mean, seriously, more meat for you to eat, okay?!  They went on to say that the Bible said that God gave us dominion over the animals and that meant we were obligated to eat them.

[Um, really?  Riiiiiiight.]

So, if someone’s source of information is a written record, such as the Bible, then you will find conflicting things about astrology (well, conflicting things about a LOT of things), even though often astrology and astronomy play a role in our Christian celebrations.  The wise men (Magi or Magicians) following a star that foretold a birth.  Many say they were astrologers and it was the astrology of the time that told them the Messiah was being born.  December 25 is the day we celebrate the return of the Son.  That date relates to an astrological phenomenon related to the Winter Solstice on December 22; the return of the Sun.   The date we celebrate Easter is still set by determining the first Sunday after the Full Moon following the Spring Equinox.

The rhythms of this planet have been used for thousands upon thousands of years by people on Earth to determine many things; and I think we are slowly realizing we ignore those rhythms to our own peril.

Astrology is a much more ancient system than Christianity; you have to realize how young Christianity is.  Recall that Jesus was Jewish!  Astrology predates recorded history and is found in most religious systems – there is a Hindu system, a Taoist system, many many systems for reading the stars and planets.  

In many cases it has been woven into modern Christianity, though not overtly.  Check out these links for information on Christianity and astrology, as well as beautiful Christian churches that feature the astrology wheel, the symbols of the zodiac, etc.

But what to do about the random person who questions why you would study astrology?  First, before you argue with anyone, consider who you are talking to.  There are people who you can have real conversation and debate with; and there are people so locked into their way of thinking that it is a total waste of time.  For the judgmental folks you will encounter who simply want to put you in your place or bring you around to their way of thinking, you can tell them you find it interesting and leave it at that.  Or that you are just trying to make a decision about its worth -- many people come around to believing in astrology simply because they have tried to disprove it.

If I were to encounter someone who insinuated that it was evil, I would explain how astrology has given me a deeper understanding of God’s plan in my life; of where and how I am to serve.  For me that is a powerful truth.

For the person you encounter with whom you can truly debate and discuss, I would offer this:  the unfortunate path of some sects of the Christian Church is to remove God from everyday life and living; to make it so that you need an intermediary to access God.  A person from the Church to confess your “sins” to; a specific place and time for praying.   Someone else to conduct ritual, to make your decisions.  Some in the Church would not want you to know how powerful you are; that you can sit in meditation and access God yourself.  That you in fact play a role in creating your world and your experience here.

If I really wanted to convince someone, I would ask for their birth date and time and permission to run their chart; usually that is enough to widen someone’s eyes and make them at least take the time to explore the possibility that this ancient science exists

Anytime you are challenged in any belief you hold true to your heart -- whether it’s astrology or what school to send your kids -- you basically have three ways to go; (1) you can take their dissent and question yourself, falter in your conviction and decision making; (2) you can take their dissent and absorb it, actually figure out if it is true or accurate and allow that discussion to shape a new way of thinking; or (3) you can take what they say and that information actually makes you more secure in your conviction and knowledge.
Either way, do spend the time to decide what is that you truly, really believe and how to articulate it -- what speaks to your heart, your head, your gut.  And then live that truth.  But also be ready to change your mind; to say you were wrong; to allow new information or an experience in the future to shift and refine or change your truth.  As I get older there is less black and white; just more intricate shades of gray.
I hope this is somewhat helpful to you.



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